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28 juni: Kanker “kaapt” uw cellen en keert uw lichaam tegen zichzelf, net als mRNA Covid-19 vaccins (Frontnieuws)

July 26: The Evidence – ‘You stayed at home, to protect the NHS, but they gave Midazolam to the Elderly and told you they were Covid Deaths’ (Daily Expose)
July 13: July 13: Study says flu vaccine during pregnancy poses no risk to child’s health — but here’s what researchers got wrong (Life SIte News)
June 30: VIDEO Arsenic in baby food – What the hell Is Going On?! (Russel Brand)
June 4: Scientists find toxic “forever chemicals” in home fertilizers made from sewage sludge (News Target)
June 4: Ten states donate millions to anti-abortion clinics from federal money intended for needy families (Just the News)
June 4: Industrial Chemicals Linked to Decreased Fertility in Women (The Defender)
May 31: Scottish Scientists Successfully Test ‘Trojan Horse’ Cancer Drug (National FIle)
May 28: Merck Enlists Celebrity Couple and Their Kids to Encourage Childhood Vaccines + More (The Defender)
May 28: Serious injuries from Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine significantly underreported, study shows (Life Site News)
May 26: US judge rejects Bayer’s $2B deal to resolve future Roundup suits (Al Jazeera)
May 26: Mosquitoes Exposed to Glyphosate More Likely to Spread Malaria (The Defender)

May 26: Factory Farm Meat Far More Contaminated With Pathogenic Bacteria Than Organic Meats (The Defender)
bla, bla…

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