Artikelen die onze voorpagina (net) niet haalden.

13 juli: ‘Eerste video’s van gedwongen vaccinaties in Argentinië en India’ (Xander Nieuws)
7 juli: Rookmelder: De spion in de slaapkamer (De Dissident)
30 juni: Wateroorlog in de maak..! (Want to Know)
28 juni: Gevaar en demonen: Jemen’s mysterieuze ‘Bron van de Hel’ (World Unity)
25 juni: Geert Wilders laaiend op ‘linkse drammers’ Efteling om vervanging Monsieur Cannibale door Sindbad de Zeeman (DDS)
25 juni: Gevaccineerden gevonden als Bluetooth-apparaat? (Common Sense TV)
18 juni: Wordt de nieuwe Microsoft DNA data opslag en manipulatie tech reeds in Covid-19 vaccins verwerkt? (Xander Nieuws)
14 juni: VIDEO Technologische wonderen… Project Blue Beam in overdrive. (Want tot Know)
5 juni: Wim Hof Methode: ieder mens bezit wonderbaarlijke vermogens (DLM Plus)
27 mei: Mysterieuze gigantische stenen weg duikt weer op van onder de Stille Oceaan (World Unity)
26 mei: FACT CHECK: Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier didn’t say Covid vaccine recipients will die in two years (India Today)
26 mei: Superparamagnetische nanodeeltjes toegediend via vaccins – gepubliceerde wetenschap legt alles bloot (Frontnieuws)
24 mei: Dodental India stijgt na begin vaccinaties van minder dan 100 naar ruim 4500 per dag (XanderNieuws)
24 mei: Wetenschappers maken proteïne waarmee hersenen en gedrag kunnen worden gecontroleerd (XanderNieuws)

June 28: ‘Impossible’ Ancient Engineering: The Megalithic Stones of Baalbek (Humans are Free)
June 25: Is HAARP Firing Up? FAA Issues Warning About “Electromagnetic Radiation” (ZeroHedge)
June 18: Tokyo Olympics athletes warned not to use 160,000 free condoms (The Guardian)
June 3: Bombshell! Source Of Magnetic COVID-19 Vaccines Discovered (Alex Jones)
June 2: UNEXPLAINED: Navy submarines detect fast-moving unidentified vehicles underwater (NewsTarget)
June 1: Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn Male Fish Into Females (Summit.News)
June 1: Catalonia bar worker arrested after CUTTING OFF boss’s penis, claims she was defending herself from repeated rape (RT)
May 28: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak: A Calculated Diversion From The Simple Truth – There Is No ‘Virus’ – (David Icke)
May 28: Will The COVID Vaccines Complete The Zombification Of America? (Greg Reese)
May 26: Do covid vaccines contain GMO “Magneto” protein capable of remotely controlling behavior, brain activity? (DC Clothesline)
May 25: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: MD Whistleblower Leaked in 2009 Plans For Staged Viral Release Triggering UN Takeover & Depopulation (Humans Are Free)
May 25: Pfizer already targeting American pre-teen and young teenage girls ages 12 to 15 for population reduction and sterilization experiment known as mRNA (DC Clothesline)
May 23: Freemason Insider Exposes Luciferianism as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and Their Plan for a New World Order (Humans are Free)

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