15 juli: Bank voor Internationale Betalingen (BIS) chef spreekt over ‘absolute controle’ van geld (Dissident)
26 juni: Explosieve Bitcoin groei verwacht (Nine for News)
17 juni: Zweden schaft contant geld af vanaf 2023 (Dissident)
6 juni: Financiële Reset: Invoering digitale IMF wereldmunt nu zeer dichtbij (XanderNieuws)
5 juni: Gaan voor goud: Rusland schrapt deze maand de Amerikaanse dollar uit het staatsinvesteringsfonds, te midden van een waarschuwing dat de politiek de valuta saboteert (World Unity)
5 juni: Crypto biedt enorme kansen, nu ECB eigen digitale munt wil (Nine for News)
1 juni: Europese Centrale Bank werkt aan digitale munt: ‘We worden de nieuwe WEF-slaven’ (Nine for News)

28 mei: ‘Mocht de economie harder groeien, dan kan de eurozone klem komen te zitten: veel te hoge rentes voor Zuid-Europa’ (DDS)
27 mei: ABN Amro zet boete op opnemen van contant geld: ‘Doodgewone burgers worden weggezet als criminelen’ (DDS)
21 mei: President Rekenkamer sloopt zelfbeeld van Nederlandse overheid: ‘Financieel slecht georganiseerd, zelfs 19de eeuws!’ (DDS)
20 mei: Coronabeleid De Jonge en Rutte heeft economie opnieuw in een recessie gestopt (DDS)
10 mei: Het is geen spelletje (Ad Broere)

August 6: VIDEO Concerns of inflation, spending under Biden admin (OANN)
July 26: EU economy drops by 14.4% year-on-year in second quarter: Eurostat (ReMix)
July 26: America Goes On A Buyer’s Strike: Explosive Inflation Leads To Record Collapse In Home, Car Purchase Plans (ZeroHedge)
July 26: The ECB’s New Inflation Plan Is Like the Old Plan. But Worse (CD Media)
July 13: Bidenflation: Consumer Prices Surged Much Higher Than Expected in June (Breitbart)
July 1: The Stimulus Boom Is Already Over – Now Comes Stagnation
June 30: Whole Foods to roll out Mark of the Beast biometric palm scanning payment technology across its U.S. stores (Natural News)
June 30: VIDEO The Great Reset of Food (Forbidden Knowledge)
June 28: UK bans world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance (RT)
June 26: Inflation Jumps by Largest Amount in Three Decades (Headline USA)
June 24: The money printing orgy will end badly… prepare to get monkeyhammered! (Natural News)
June 24: Central Banks See No Way Out Of The Low Interest Rate Trap (CD Media)
June 23: The Fed In A Box, Part 1: They Cannot Raise Interest Rates (ZeroHedge)
June 22: Central Banks See No Way Out Of The Low Interest Rate Trap (CD Media)
June 21: Baltic Pipe construction in Denmark to be partially resumed (RMX)
June 19: GOLD – The Mother Of All Buying Opportunities, Back to the 70’s & The Big Reset (Zero Hedge)
June 19: As Biden seeks to limit U.S. oil production, reliance on Russian imports rises (Just the News)
June 18: Brexit deals blow to UK food & drinks industry with £2bn drop in exports to EU, industry body says (RT)
June 18: June 14: VIDEO The G-7’s Reckless Commitment To Mounting Debt (ZeroHedge)
June 11: It’s “Permanent” Not “Temporary” – Dollar’s Purchasing Power Plunged At Fastest Pace Since 1982 (ZeroHedge)
June 5: VIDEO BIS cave to Russia’s gold-buying pressure (ZeroHedge)

Dit archief is leeg.

Econ & Finance 3D Infographics – Demonocracy.info
Hidden secrets of money – Mike Maloney
How is money created? – Bank of England

End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless (Jason Spencer, Tim Delmastro)